"Crafting Convict Criminologists: An Invitation to Join us in Prison," Ben Boyce & Jacob Carlock, The Prison Journal, 2024.
"Lessons From Shawshank: Outlaws, Lawmen and the Spectacle of Punishment," Humanities, January 2, 2023.
Dr. Junkie: One Man's Story of Addiction & Crime that will Challenge Everything you know about the War on Drugs, February 2022.
"I Did 340 Pushups a Day to Prepare for the TV Version of Prison, then I got there," The Marshall Project, January 28, 2021.
"Should Denver Open Safe Injection Sites?" Westword, 2/7/2021
Captured Words Free Thoughts, featuring art, prose & poetry from incarcerated artists across the USA.
OpEd: Higher Education will Offer Colorado Prisoners a Second Chance, The Denver Post, by Stephen Hartnett (2022).
"Racist Compared to What? The Myth of White Wokeness," Whiteness & Education 6, (1): 2021.
"Discourses of Deception: (Re)Examining America's War on Drugs," PhD Dissertation, January 2018.
The Boyce of Reason Podcast, "Rethinking the War on Drugs," October 2020.
The Addicted Mind Podcast, "Challenging what you Think you Know about the War on Drugs," February, 2022.
Tapping into the Human, "The Dr. Junkie Show," March 2022.
Peace on Drugs Podcast, March, 2022 and August, 2022.